Qnap NASアプリケーション QTSのアップデートが来てたので、雑ですが訳。
4.2.0 Build 20160412
QTS 4.2.0 Build 0412 for TAS
- Android: Fixed an issue where an “Insufficient space” warning message would be displayed when the remaining disk space is more than 8TB.
- Android: Fixed a compatibility issue that would cause Google Play? to crash when launched.
Android: Google Playが原因で起動時にクラッシュする互換性の問題を修正
- Android: Fixed an issue where users would be unable to download apps from Google Play? when it is performing a bulk app update in the background.
バックグラウンドでGoogle Playが大量のアプリをアップデートしようとした時に、アプリをダウンロードできない問題を修正
- Android: Applied security patches for reported CVE vulnerabilities in Android.
CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)がまとめたAndoroidにおける脆弱性の修正
- Android: Fixed an issue where the TAS launcher would repeatedly crash when QTS is set to force an SSL connection.
- QTS: Fixed an issue where daylight saving options would not appear when set to time zones with daylight saving.
- QTS: Fixed an issue that would cause a volume formatting failure.
- QTS: Fixed a compatibility issue with Microsoft Edge? when creating remote connections.
マイクロソフト Edgeがリモートコネクションを作成する時の互換性問題を修正
- You must connect a keyboard and mouse to the TAS if you plan to set up using HDMI output.
- Android is enabled by default. You can disable/enable it by pressing and holding the USB copy button for 6 seconds.
- When you connect USB storage to the TAS, Android will create two folders ("Android" and "obb") on it.
- Pre-installed Google Apps may not work if Google Services are blocked by your firewall.
- Downgrading QTS to 4.1.4 may cause the system to become unstable. Please ensure you have backed up important data if you plan to downgrade the system firmware.
QTS 4.1.4にダウングレードすると、システムは不安定になります。 もしファームウェアでダウングレードする時は、重要なデータをバックアップしてから行ってください。