Moral Hazard!!


QTS build 20171213が出てたので雑翻訳

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[Important Notes]
- For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model,ana visit
- When QTS 4.3.x is installed on NAS models running on 64-bit Intel and AMD processors, some applications may not be supported. To check if installed apps on your NAS are compatible with QTS 4.3.x, download the QTS 64-bit compatibility tool and install it on your current QTS build. (
- QTS 4.3.3 is the final available firmware update for the following models:
TS-112P, TS-212P, TS-212-E, HS-210, TS-112, TS-212, TS-121, TS-221, TS-421 TS-120, TS-220, TS-420, TS-420U, TS-421U TS-412, TS-412U, TS-419U, TS-419U+, TS-419U II, TS-119P II, TS-219P II, TS-419P II, TS-119P+, TS-219P+, TS-419P+, TS-119P, TS-219P, TS-419P, TS-119, TS-219, TS-419

[Fixed Issues]
- The transcoding wizard in File Station would indicate an incorrect path for managing transcoding tasks.
- Disconnecting an external storage device from the NAS might occasionally cause videos to stop playing when users accessed a shared folder via Samba.
- Media Library could not generate correct thumbnails for certain CR2 files.
- QTS would display messages about the exFAT license on the TAS-x68 and TS-x28, which do not support the exFAT format.
- Users that were created when Android Station was enabled could not access the "Android" shared folder.
- Users could not successfully download files with certain Chinese filenames via share links when accessing the myQNAPcloud website via Internet Explorer.
- Users could not restart certain NAS models after connecting to the NAS from Windows using iSCSI Initiator and then updating QTS to Build 20171205.



64bit IntelとAMDプロセッサが搭載されているモデルのNASで QTS 4.3.x がインストールされている場合、いくつかのアプリケーションがサポートされていない可能性があります。
ご利用のNASにインストールされているアプリケーションが QTS 4.3.x と互換性 があるか確認し、 QTS 64-bit と互換性のあるアプリケーションをダウンロードし、現在のバージョンのQTSにインストールしてください。

QTS 4.3.3 :は以下のモデルで最終更新版のファームウェアとなります。
TS-112P, TS-212P, TS-212-E, HS-210, TS-112, TS-212, TS-121, TS-221, TS-421 TS-120, TS-220, TS-420, TS-420U, TS-421U TS-412, TS-412U, TS-419U, TS-419U+, TS-419U II, TS-119P II, TS-219P II, TS-419P II, TS-119P+, TS-219P+, TS-419P+, TS-119P, TS-219P, TS-419P, TS-119, TS-219, TS-419


・TAS-x68 and TS-x28モデルではexFATをサポートしていないにもかかわらず、QTSでexFATライセンスを表示していた問題を修整。
(※筆者注釈 : 特定モデル以外のNASではexFATドライバをライセンス購入することで使用可能になるらしい。参照)
・ユーザーがAndroid Stationで利用できない"Android"共有フォルダを作成できていた問題を修正。
・Internet Explorerを利用してmyQNAPCloudにアクセスした際、漢字ファイル名の共有リンクからファイルがダウンロードできない問題を修正。
・WindowsのiSCSIイニシエーター からNASに接続した後 QTS を Build 20171205にアップデートした際、ユーザーがNASを再起動できなくなる問題を修正。

和訳 : 4.2.0 Build 20160412 QTS 4.2.0 Build 0412 for TAS

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Qnap NASアプリケーション QTSのアップデートが来てたので、雑ですが訳。

4.2.0 Build 20160412
QTS 4.2.0 Build 0412 for TAS


- Android: Fixed an issue where an “Insufficient space” warning message would be displayed when the remaining disk space is more than 8TB.

- Android: Fixed a compatibility issue that would cause Google Play? to crash when launched.
Android: Google Playが原因で起動時にクラッシュする互換性の問題を修正

- Android: Fixed an issue where users would be unable to download apps from Google Play? when it is performing a bulk app update in the background.
バックグラウンドでGoogle Playが大量のアプリをアップデートしようとした時に、アプリをダウンロードできない問題を修正

- Android: Applied security patches for reported CVE vulnerabilities in Android.
CVE(Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)がまとめたAndoroidにおける脆弱性の修正

- Android: Fixed an issue where the TAS launcher would repeatedly crash when QTS is set to force an SSL connection.

- QTS: Fixed an issue where daylight saving options would not appear when set to time zones with daylight saving.

- QTS: Fixed an issue that would cause a volume formatting failure.

- QTS: Fixed a compatibility issue with Microsoft Edge? when creating remote connections.
マイクロソフト Edgeがリモートコネクションを作成する時の互換性問題を修正


- You must connect a keyboard and mouse to the TAS if you plan to set up using HDMI output.

- Android is enabled by default. You can disable/enable it by pressing and holding the USB copy button for 6 seconds.

- When you connect USB storage to the TAS, Android will create two folders ("Android" and "obb") on it.

- Pre-installed Google Apps may not work if Google Services are blocked by your firewall.

- Downgrading QTS to 4.1.4 may cause the system to become unstable. Please ensure you have backed up important data if you plan to downgrade the system firmware.
QTS 4.1.4にダウングレードすると、システムは不安定になります。 もしファームウェアでダウングレードする時は、重要なデータをバックアップしてから行ってください。

QTS4.2.0 Build 20160119 翻訳

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■Fixed an issue where the system log shows "The file system is not clean...." when rebooting with various apps launched.


■Fixed an issue where the folder path of an external drive would be changed after altering the folder properties of an external drive in Control Panel.


■Fixed an issue where changing folder permissions would not take effect if changing the folder permissions from R/W to Read-only via Samba protocol.


■Fixed an issue where files downloaded from OneDrive to a shared folder would not show thumbnails in the shared folder if accessed via Samba protocol.



■Reduced the possibility of a reboot caused by running out of system memory.
